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; ports description and include file for NeoGS software projects, v0.3
; bits degisnation: B_* - bit position (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), M_* - bit mask (1,2,4,8,#10,#20,#40,#80)
; C_* - constants to be used
; part of NeoGS project
; (c) 2008 NedoPC
;ZX-side ports
GSCOM EQU #BB ;write-only, command for NGS
GSSTAT equ #BB ;read-only, command and data bits (positions given immediately below)
B_CBIT equ 0 ;Command position
M_CBIT equ 1 ; BIT and mask
B_DBIT equ 7 ;Data position
M_DBIT equ #80 ; BIT and mask
GSDAT EQU #B3 ; read-write, data transfer register for NGS
GSCTR EQU #33 ; write-only, control register for NGS: constants available given immediately below
C_GRST equ #80 ; reset constant to be written into GSCTR
C_GNMI equ #40 ; NMI constant to be written into GSCTR
C_GLED equ #20 ; LED toggle constant
;GS-side ports
MPAG equ #00 ; write-only, Memory PAGe port (big pages at 8000-FFFF or small at 8000-BFFF)
MPAGEX equ #10 ; write-only, Memory PAGe EXtended (only small pages at C000-FFFF)
ZXCMD equ #01 ; read-only, ZX CoMmanD port: here is the byte written by ZX into GSCOM
ZXDATRD equ #02 ; read-only, ZX DATa ReaD: a byte written by ZX into GSDAT appears here;
; upon reading this port, data bit is cleared
ZXDATWR equ #03 ; write-only, ZX DATa WRite: a byte written here is available for ZX in GSDAT;
; upon writing here, data bit is set
ZXSTAT equ #04 ; read-only, read ZX STATus: command and data bits. positions are defined by *_CBIT and *_DBIT above
CLRCBIT equ #05 ; read-write, upon either reading or writing this port, the Command BIT is CLeaRed
VOL1 equ #06 ; write-only, volumes for sound channels 1-8
VOL2 equ #07
VOL3 equ #08
VOL4 equ #09
VOL5 equ #16
VOL6 equ #17
VOL7 equ #18
VOL8 equ #19
; following two ports are useless and very odd. They have been made just because they were on the original GS and for that
; strange case when somebody too crazy have used them. Nevertheless, DO NOT USE THEM! They can disappear or even radically
; change functionality in future firmware releases.
DAMNPORT1 equ #0A ; writing or reading this port sets data bit to the inverse of bit 0 into MPAG port
DAMNPORT2 equ #0B ; the same as DAMNPORT1, but instead command bit involved, which is made equal to 5th bit of VOL4
LEDCTR equ #01 ; write-only, controls on-board LED. D0=0 - LED is on, D0=1 - LED is off
; reset state is LED on.
GSCFG0 equ #0F ; read-write, GS ConFiG port 0: acts as memory cell, reads previously written value. Bits and fields follow:
B_NOROM equ 0 ; =0 - there is ROM everywhere except 4000-7FFF, =1 - the RAM is all around
M_NOROM equ 1
B_RAMRO equ 1 ; =1 - ram absolute addresses 0000-7FFF (zeroth big page) are write-protected
M_RAMRO equ 2
B_8CHANS equ 2 ; =1 - 8 channels mode
M_8CHANS equ 4
B_EXPAG equ 3 ; =1 - extended paging: both MPAG and MPAGEX are used to switch two memory windows
M_EXPAG equ 8
B_CKSEL0 equ 4 ;these bits should be set according to the C_**MHZ constants below
M_CKSEL0 equ #10
B_CKSEL1 equ 5
M_CKSEL1 equ #20
C_10MHZ equ #30
C_12MHZ equ #10
C_20MHZ equ #20
C_24MHZ equ #00
B_PAN4CH equ 6 ; =1 - 4 channels, panning (every channel is on left and right with two volumes)
M_PAN4CH equ #40
B_INV7B equ 7 ; =1 - invert 7th bit of samples before putting them to MUL/DAC
M_INV7B equ #80
M_SETNCLR equ #80
SCTRL EQU #11 ;Serial ConTRoL: read-write, read: current state of below bits, write - see GS_info
B_SDNCS equ 0
M_SDNCS equ 1
B_MCNCS equ 1
M_MCNCS equ 2
B_MPXRS equ 2
M_MPXRS equ 4
B_MCSPD0 equ 3
M_MCSPD0 equ 8
B_MDHLF equ 4
M_MDHLF equ #10
B_MCSPD1 equ 5
M_MCSPD1 equ #20
SSTAT EQU #12 ;Serial STATus: read-only, reads state of below bits
B_MDDRQ equ 0
M_MDDRQ equ 1
B_SDDET equ 1
M_SDDET equ 2
B_SDWP equ 2
M_SDWP equ 4
B_MCRDY equ 3
M_MCRDY equ 8
SD_SEND EQU #13 ;SD card SEND, write-only, when written, byte transfer starts with written byte
SD_READ EQU #13 ;SD card READ, read-only, reads byte received in previous byte transfer
SD_RSTR EQU #14 ;SD card Read and STaRt, read-only, reads previously received byte and starts new byte transfer with #FF
MD_SEND EQU #14 ;Mp3 Data SEND, write-only, sends byte to the mp3 data interface
MC_SEND EQU #15 ;Mp3 Control SEND, write-only, sends byte to the mp3 control interface
MC_READ EQU #15 ;Mp3 Control READ, read-only, reads byte that was received during previous sending of byte
DMA_MOD EQU #1B ;select DMA module to work with via DMA_HAD, DMA_MAD, DMA_LAD, DMA_CST ports:
C_DMA_NONE equ 0 ; none selected
C_DMA_ZX equ 1 ; ZX module selected
C_DMA_SD equ 2 ; SD module selected
C_DMA_MP3 equ 3 ; MP3 module selected
DMA_HAD EQU #1C ; High DMA ADdress (bits 21:16)
DMA_MAD EQU #1D ; Middle DMA ADdress (bits 15:8 )
DMA_LAD EQU #1E ; Low DMA ADdress (bits 7:0 )
DMA_CST EQU #1F ; DMA Control and STate
TIM_FRQ equ #0E ;timer frequency
C_DEF equ #00 ;default 37500 Hz (after reset)
C_DIV2 equ #01 ;18750 Hz (div by 2)
C_DIV4 equ #02 ;9375 Hz (div by 4)
C_DIV8 equ #03 ; etc...
C_DIV16 equ #04
C_DIV64 equ #05
C_DIV256 equ #06
C_DIV1024 equ #07
INTENA equ #0C ;interrupt enables
INTREQ equ #0D ;interrupt requests
B_MP3_DMA_INT equ 2
M_MP3_DMA_INT equ #04
B_SD_DMA_INT equ 1
M_SD_DMA_INT equ #02
M_TIMER_INT equ #01
WIN0 equ #20 ;0000-3fff 16k page (0..255 -- 0..4Mb)
WIN1 equ #21 ;4000-7fff
WIN2 equ #22 ;8000-bfff
WIN3 equ #23 ;c000-ffff